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Educational activities with evaluations

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Understanding various means of payment

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Age group

Students ages 10 and 11


November and December

Time required

6 hours 15 minutes

Broad areas of learning

Environmental awareness and consumer rights and responsibilities

Activity summary

Students will learn the pros and cons of different payment methods as well as good practices for using them and protecting their personal information. They will prepare an awareness campaign to inform their peers about safe financial practices. Students will consolidate their learning by writing a fact sheet for parents to read as the holidays approach.

Financial skills

  • Identifying ideal situations for using a debit card
  • Recognize different forms of payment
  • Protecting personal information


Subject-specific competencies targeted



Progressions of learning

Language Arts

  • To write self-expressive, narrative and information based-texts (QEP 2011)

  • The student understands the purpose of the following structures and features and uses this knowledge when reading, writing and producing different types of text. (1st and 2nd person in a narrative text, 3rd person in informational texts).

  • The student understands the purpose of the following structures and features and uses this knowledge when reading and writing/producing texts.

  • Self-expressive language to relate ideas, feelings, experience

  • Word choice to indicate a specific time frame (e.g. past tense to indicate a memory)

  • Uses linguistic structures and features to express thoughts, ideas and information for a specific purpose and audience (In syntactic structures that carry meaning, (e.g. the structure of a question, an apology, a request).

Other subject-specific competencies

  • Visual arts: Media creation
  • Dramatic arts: Acting
  • Mathematics: Use of percentages, statistics, diagrams, etc.

Cross-curricular competencies

  • Cooperates with others
  • Adopts effective work methods


Students will learn about the pros and cons of the different forms of payment.


Task 1

Present the payment methods

Task 1 objective

By the end of this task, students will be able to identify the pros and cons of paying with cash or debit and credit cards.


  • Ask the students to say the payment methods they know and the best times to use each one.
  • Hand out the first page of the Safe Practices Guide
  • Ask the students to fill in the Pros and Cons of Payment Methods sheet based on their current knowledge.
  • Show the Payment methods video to stimulate thinking.
  • Ask the students to fill the sheet in again with the information from the video.
  • Lead a class discussion and correct the sheet as a class.


Students learn about safe financial practices relating to payment methods and share them with their peers.


Task 1

Think about safe financial practices

Task 1 objective

By the end of this task, students will be able to identify risky financial behaviour shown in scenarios.


  • Distribute pages 2 and 3 of the Safe Practices Guide to the students and give them time to read them.
  • Form 4 teams.
  • Give each team one of the 3 scenarios and the worksheet.
  • Explain to the students that they must find the risky behaviour and suggest better actions.
  • Review it with the students and ask each team to present their scenario and recommendations.


Time required

Varies depending on the project chosen.

Minimum: 90 minutes

Task 2

Create a survey

Task 2 objective

By the end of this task, students will be able to identify their friends’ and family members’ risky financial behaviour when making purchases.


  • Encourage students to think about how their peers and other students protect their personal information when they make purchases.
  • Ask students to think of questions about payment and purchasing practices in groups of 2 or 3.
  • Put all the questions together to form a group survey. The survey must include multiple choice and open questions.
  • Set a deadline for other students in the class or school, friends or parents to complete the survey.
  • Ask the students to compile and analyze the survey results using their math skills (graphs, percentages, etc.).
  • As a group, draw on one or more of the analysis findings and determine insights that the students will keep in mind when creating the awareness campaign.


Time required

Varies depending on the project chosen.

Minimum: 90 minutes

Task 3

Spread awareness of safe financial practices

Task 3 objective

By the end of this task, students will be able to organize an awareness campaign on safe financial practices.


  • Form teams of 2 or 3 students using the sociogram..
  • Ask each team to choose a practice they would like to promote.
  • Ask each team to create an attention-grabbing slogan.
  • Present the criteria in the evaluation grid.
  • Hand out the material.


Students are evaluated based on the media they create.


Time required

Time included in the activity + 15 minutes

Task 1

Evaluate writting skills

Task 1 objective

By the end of this task, students will be evaluated based on the writing abilities shown in their projects.


  • Use the evaluation grid to assess the students’ writing skills.
  • Review the evaluation with the students.


Students tell their parents about safe financial practices they should adopt as the holidays approach.


Time required


Suggest that students prepare a fact sheet for parents offering safety tips for online and credit card purchases.