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Preparing an end-of-year field trip

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Age group

Students ages 10 and 11


September and October
January and February

Broad areas of learning

Environmental Awareness and Consumer Rights and Responsibilities (QEP 2011)

Activity summary

Considering their peer's preferences, financial resources available and materials, students will help organize an end-of-year field trip for the entire class.

Main objectives

  • Make decisions based on the group's needs and desires.
  • Choose an activity based on its cost and possible means of financing.
  • Complete a cooperative project.
  • Give an oral presentation to share research results.


Subject-specific competencies



Progressions of learning

Language Arts

  • To read and listen to literary, popular, and information-based texts (QEP 2011)

  • To use language to communicate and learn (QEP 2011)

  • Use the content of texts to research a subject

  • Use convincing arguments: Exchange ideas in an interactive situation (e.g., mini-debate)

Visual Arts

To produce media works in the visual arts (QEP 2011)

Looks for an idea related to the stimulus for creation of media works, taking the intended viewers into account and referring to sources of information (QEP 2011)

Cross-curricular competencies

  • Uses information
  • Uses information and communications technologies
  • Cooperates with othe
  • Communicates appropriately


Students generate ideas for the end-of-year field trip and ways of financing it.


Time required

15 to 30 minutes

Task 1

Choosing an activity according to the budget

Task 1 objective

By the end of this task, students will be able to make decisions based on both their preferences and those of their peers.


  • In a large group, hold a brainstorming session to make a list of possible activities for the end-of-year field trip. Write ideas down on a large sheet of paper.
  • Establish the criteria for choosing the activity. Discuss with students the realistic contextual limits (e.g., duration, dates and maximum cost).
  • Let the idea simmer through the week and come back to it later, adding to the initial list. Suggest that students do Internet research at home to find ideas.
  • With students, do an initial sort of proposed ideas and retain the suggestions that meet the initial criteria.


Time required

15 to 30 minutes

Task 2

Financing the activity

Task 2 objective

By the end of this task, students will be able to suggest ways of financing the end-of-year field trip.


  • Discuss with the students different ways of financing the field trip.
  • Post the suggestions in the classroom and add to the list throughout the week.
  • Suggest that students talk to people around them (e.g., family, friends, neighbours) about different ways of financing the activity.



Students gather information on a possible end-of-year field trip and share the results of their research with the group. with your help, students then choose the proposal that best meets the criteria established in the preparation phase, and find the means to finance it.


Task 1

Gathering information

Task 1 objectives

By the end of this task, students will be able to choose an activity, gather information to estimate its cost, and, finally, plan the day’s schedule.


  • After consulting the Sociogram Test document, divide students into teams of 4.
  • Have students work in teams to choose a possible activity for the end-of-year field trip.
  • Working as a group, determine the costs and possible activities.
  • Look up information on related costs and the day’s schedule.
  • Assign the cooperative roles (organizer, facilitator, harmonizer and secretary) and encourage students to share the information found.


Time required

60 to 75 minutes

Task 2

Sharing information with the group

Task 2 objectives

By the end of this task, students will be able to do an oral presentation to discuss their choice for the end-of-year field trip.


  • Invite each team to:
    • prepare a visual presentation (on paper or electronically) to share their field trip plans with the entire group, including the activities chosen, schedule and costs.
    • prepare an oral presentation to persuade the group to support their plans.
  • Invite the different teams to address the group to present their plans. Students must convince their peers that their plan is the best by explaining how it meets the criteria established in the preparatory phase (activity, destination, schedule, costs, advantages, financing methods, etc.).


Time required

45 to 60 minutes

Task 3

Choosing an activity

Task 3 objectives

By the end of this task, students will be able to make decisions democratically.


Discuss the different proposals and make a democratic choice.


Time required

Four 60 minute periods for the organization phase (not counting after-school financing activities)

Task 4

Organizing the fundraising activity

Task 4 objectives

By the end of this task, students will be able to help organize the end-of-year field trip as well as find ways to raise the money needed.


  • Hold a brainstorming session to make a list of all the tasks.
  • Divide the tasks between the teams established in Task 1. Each team can then become a committee responsible for one task.
    Examples of tasks:
    • Establish the schedule of activities and meal breaks.
    • Confirm the availability of transportation and reserve accordingly.
    • Confirm the availability of the chosen destination and reserve accordingly.
    • Write a letter to the governing.
    • Write a permission slip for parents and chaperones to fill out.
    • Assemble the needed materials.
    • List the means of financing.
  • With the students, determine the amount of money needed for the trip. Calculate the total cost including taxes and all related expenses.
  • Choose several fundraising activities from the list made by the students (see examples in the Teacher’s notes).
  • Organize individual and collective fundraising activities with the help of students’ parents.
  • Develop a real, concrete financing plan with the students and determine individual responsibilities to the collective project (e.g., each person must raise a certain amount of money).
  • Throughout the fundraising campaign, collect and tally the funds raised individually and collectively. Indicate progress on the Savings Thermometer.


Ask students to reflect on their own cooperative competencies and those of their peers.


Time required

30 to 45 minutes

Task 1

Reflecting on cooperative work

Task 1 objective

By the end of this task, you will be able to highlight the students’ best cooperative work pra.


  • After the field trip, discuss the organization and progress of the day.
  • Have each team give an example of their best work practice. Ask the secretary to note the responses.
  • Ask one student from each team to congratulate a student from any team who helped them succeed in their role. Ask the secretary of each team to note the congratulations.
  • Have each secretary read out the congratulations and best practices of their team.
  • Take the opportunity to discuss the advantages of working cooperatively. Examples of questions to ask: Was this common project a success? Why or why not?


Ensure the consolidation of acquired or developed competencies through the organization of activities similar to preparing an end-of-year field trip.


Time required

Depends on activity

1. Choose an activity to do as a group and calculate its costs.


Based on students’ suggestions, organize an activity as a reward for completing the project. Democratically choose the activity and calculate the associated costs.

Time required

2 or 3 60 minute periods

2. Organize a class meal, choose the menu as a group and calculate the costs.


Around the time of a holiday, prepare a meal or have one catered and calculate the costs.