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Educational activities with evaluations

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Differentiating paid work from unpaid work

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Age group

Students ages 8 and 9


April and May

Time required

5 hours and 25 minutes

Broad areas of learning

Citizenship and community life

Activity summary

Students learn to differentiate paid work from unpaid work. They develop their point of view on paying kids for household chores and participate in a class debate and defend their views.

Financial and cooperative skills

  • Differentiating paid work from unpaid work
  • Understanding that money is earned by working




Progressions of learning

Ethics and religious culture

Reflects on ethical questions. (QEP 2011)

  • Respects conditions that foster dialogue (QEP 2011, Secondary)

    • observes rules for engaging in dialogue

    • correctly expresses his/her ideas

    • attentively listens to what another person has to say in order to grasp the meaning

  • Uses synthesis to provide a coherent summary of the elements of the subject discussed (QEP 2011, secondary)

Cross curricular competencies

Exercises critical judgment (QEP 2011)


Students differentiate paid work from unpaid work and form an opinion on them.


Time required

30 minutes

Task 1

Listing houlsehold chores

Task 1 objective

By the end of this task, students will be able to list all the chores they do either at home or school, and explain their purpose.


Organize a discussion about the students’ chores and responsibilities at home and school.


Time required

45 minutes

Task 2

Identifying the characteristics of both types of work

Task 2 objective

By the end of this task, students will be able to identify the characteristics of paid work and unpaid work.


  • Ask students if all work is paid.
  • Ask them for examples of paid and unpaid work.
  • Write their ideas on the board or chart paper.
  • Discuss the advantages and characteristics of both types of work.


Students develop a point of view on payment for household chores and participate in a debate on the subject.


Time required

30 minutes

Task 1

Developing a point of view

Task 1 objective

By the end of this task, students will have developed a point of view about paying young people for work.


  • Ask students if students should be paid for household chores.
  • Hand out the My Point of View Pre-Discussion sheet and have them write their opinions.


Time required

60 minutes

Task 2

Holding a debate

Task 2 objective

By the end of this task, students will be able to understand the rules of a debate.


  • Present the characteristics of a debate.
  • Suggest that students debate their viewpoints from Task 1.
  • Explain the rules of a debate.
  • Hold the debate.


Students re-evaluate their initial point of view on payment for household chores.


Task 1

Re-evaluate your point of view

Task 1 objective

By the end of this task, students will be able to defend their point of view and explain why they changed their mind, if applicable.


  • At the end of the debate, students re-evaluate their point of view.
  • Read the My Point of View Post-Discussion sheet after the student debate and explain the assignment.
  • Present the evaluation criteria for the task.
  • Ask students to fill out the sheet.
  • Use the My Point of View Evaluation Grid to grade their work.


Students organize a volunteer activity for a local organization.


Time required



  • Discuss some volunteer activities students could do in the community.
  • Choose an activity and start the process to make it happen.
  • After the activity, discuss the sense of satisfaction the students felt after donating their time and make a connection with the idea of unpaid work.